Brompton PS is leading the way in STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics) education by being the first school to open their new million dollar STEMWORKS facility.
This innovative teaching space is enabling us to embed these subjects in a cross-curricular approach so our students have opportunities to experience and engage with the learning needed to not just survive but THRIVE in their future.
At BPS we want students to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. We teach social and emotional learning using guided play, classroom activities and an empowering language- behavior education using wisdom, not force. We support our students to be considerate of themselves, others and the world in which they live, with sound reasons for the things they say and do.
At our school we govern by consent not coercion. We teach students to think, reason and analyse because in the course of daily living the question , “What is the right thing to do?” is the one most frequently asked. Our classrooms offer children practice at creating a world in which they can lead fulfilling lives.
Our staff respond enthusiastically to the curiosity of children- to help them maintain an interest in learning.
Working together with parents/carers we educate children to master their emotions, face their fears and build optimism that helps them to survive when things go wrong. Children who are eager learners welcome the emotional discomfort that learning creates and by overcoming that discomfort they experience the uplifting sense of achievement and progress.
We have specialist staff that provide Music, AUSLAN (signed English), Digital Technologies and PE lessons each week.
Students can also be part of the JUST BRASS band. Learning an instrument under the tuition of experienced teachers and then having band practice each week.
Every second year students in our senior class have the opportunity to go on a camp. Camp will be offered in 2018. Part of the cost of this camp is subsidized from our Pay It Forward concept. This year’s students fundraise for next year’s students.
Authentic student voice is a priority at BPS. Students can elect to be part of the Principal’s Advisory Team. This team provides counsel and feedback on a range of issues as well as planning future school events.